I felt for the first time I had access to something sighted people take for granted”
World Unseen is opening up the power of imagery to everyone. It’s a movement focused on enabling access to the visual world through immersive, multi-sensory experiences. And we put this straight into action with a first-of-its-kind launch event designed with blind and partially sighted people in mind. Hosted at London’s iconic Somerset House on 5th – 7th April, we welcomed more than 1,100 visitors into our inclusive space.
Held in partnership with the RNIB, “the photography exhibition you don’t need to see” centred around a series of emotive images taken by world-renowned photographers, teamed with elevated prints, audio descriptions, soundscapes and braille. Each picture was also obscured by screens simulating a range of different sight conditions – from glaucoma to diabetic retinopathy – to help sighted people gain a better understanding of what partially sighted people are tackling on a daily basis.
Here, some of our visitors share the very personal impact of experiencing an accessible exhibition for the first time.
To be able to immerse yourself in something that previously has been inaccessible has been absolutely amazing"
This is true universal design"
Imagery can evoke emotions and tell stories beyond what words can express, and we truly believe it's a medium that should be accessible to everyone.
Our elevated printing technology, combining our flagship Arizona flatbed printer series and innovative PRISMAelevate XL software, gives us the ability to turn images into something more experiential and inclusive – taking something purely visual and creating an immersive and tactile engagement.
This is something that should be mainstream throughout other galleries as well"
And while these capabilities have been central to the delivery of the exhibition, so too is the collaboration that happened behind the scenes.
From our friends and information accessibility experts, CBB Netherlands, who guided us on which areas of the images to elevate to best enhance and tell the story; to the incredible team at Prosign who used their vast expertise to deliver all the relief, braille and sight condition prints; and our partner RNIB whose insight, unwavering support and passion has truly enabled us to bring our World Unseen vision to life.
The World Unseen exhibition has opened up the world of photography and enabled more blind and partially sighted people to experience the emotive stories, and physical touch, of these iconic images. As a braille user, it’s fantastic to be working with Canon to raise awareness of the possibilities of textured print and to see in action how technology can make art more accessible for people with sight loss"
Visit our online exhibition to find out more about the stories behind the images and experience your own exclusive look into a World Unseen.
„Rhino Wars” (Orrszarvú háborúk) – Brent Stirton
Brent Stirton dél-afrikai fotóriporter szívszorító képe a legutolsó hím északi szélesszájú orrszarvúról.
„Baby Scan” (Magzatfotó) – Bill Smith fotója
A Canonnak és egy világhírű ultrahangszakértőnek köszönhetően egy látássérült anya megtapasztalhatja a babájáról készült magzatfotót.
„Darko Đurić paralimpiai úszó” – Samo Vidic fotója
Samo Vidic életteli portréja a paralimpiai úszó Darko Đurićról
„The Process of Re-Learning Bodies” (A testek újraértelmezésének folyamata) – Yagazie Emezi fotója
Yagazie Emezi hatásos tanulmánya egy női testről és a hegekről, amelyeket viselünk.